Saturday, February 9, 2013

Second reflection

    In this week, I have read the first two chapters.  Yes, I am a very slow reader, but this is about the book, not me.
    Anyway, this book, or at least the first two chapters, are quite surprising, with some unexpected turns and twists.  The storytelling itself is quite neat, albeit somewhat confusing with many layers of flashbacks.  However, the character that the story portrays is somewhat frustrating to see.  At the start of the book, I thought that I would sympathize with snowman, or Jimmy, since he IS the protagonist and also the only know survivor of some apocalypse.  However, I was pulled through the pages by listening to Jimmy ranting about his childhood fascinations, and that made me think that Jimmy is pitiful.  However, there is a Chinese proverb saying that "a pathetic person must have done something to deserve it".  In Chinese, it is :"可怜人必有可恨之处".  Jimmy seems to care for the pigoons, but he doesn't really try to help them.  He isn't stupid, but he pretends to be when his mother tries to educate him.  He loves his mother, but instead of trying to cheering her up, he does his best to infuriate her, just to see she react.  In a way, Jimmy treats his mother look some kind of toy.  He does things, bad things to the toy, just to see what would happen.  This led me to believe that his actions may exacerbated his mother's problems, and lead to some future tragedy.  There is no evidence to this, just a hunch from reading and seeing many cliché stories.


  1. Hmmmm maybe Jimmy wasn't mature enough, it might be just one of his way showing love to his mother.. i mean he loves his mother, but just doesn't like the talks about the disease, and acts childishly to infuriate her. He is a little kid; he would want to play with her or have cookies that she bakes for him.
    Good thinking though!

    whew looks like most people's only on the first few chapters like me haha

  2. I think that Jimmy does not know how to treat his mother. His care taker was like an actual mother while his mother is always in depression. I don't think he understands the reasons toward his mother's depression. I believe she is trying to help his mother by sarcastically appearing to be interested.
